Kings And Priests - Copyright 1994 by Dan Sharpe - All rights reserved

Unless otherwise marked, all scriptures are taken from the HOLY BIBLE,
NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984
International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.

You will be for Me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. - EX 19:6

Some Other King/Priest Scriptures:

ISA 61:6 And you will be called priests of the Lord, you will be named
ministers of our God. You will feed on the wealth of nations,
and in their riches you will boast.
1PT 2:5 And you also, like living stones, are being built into a
spiritual house, to be a Holy Priesthood.
REV 1:6(KJV) And hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father.
REV 5:10(KJV) And hast made us unto our God kings and priests and we shall
reign on the earth.
ROM 5:17 Says we will reign in life through Jesus, the greek word for
"REIGN" is derived from the the word for "KING". And means to be a king.

The Word says that two of the anointings that believers have received are
those of Kings, and Priests. Hebrews 6:30 says Jesus "has become a high priest
forever in the order of Melchizedek" . The next verse says that Melchizedek
was the KING of Salem (Jerusalem) and PRIEST of God Almighty. By the way
Melchizedek means "king of righteousness", and king of salem means "king of
peace". The word says that this priesthood is an eternal one, "A priest forever,
just like Melchizdek" (PS 110:4; HEB 6:30; HEB 7:1-3; HEB 7:15-17; HEB 7:21-25).
We are Priests after the order of Melchizedek, just like Jesus, our High Priest.
And we are Kings in the line of David, just like Jesus, the Son of David.

These 2 offices are intertwined under the "Melchizedek" anointing. They are
intertwined under Jesus' anointing, and they are intertwined under YOUR
anointing, they are inseperable. You are a Royal Priesthood, a Kingdom of
Priests of God, and your calling is an Eternal one just like Melchizedek's and
Jesus'. It is extreemly important that we become conscious of these offices that
ALL believers are called to stand in. They are the calling of God on all of our
lives. We will be Kings and Priests forever, this is why the word says that we
will be pillers in the Temple of God (REV 3:12) and will never leave it, if we
hold on to what we have (knowledge of the Glorious Word) so that "no one will
take our crown." (REV 3:11). We have to stop limiting our thinking, and conform
it to the word. The Word says that the Ministry Gifts were/are given by Jesus
"to prepare God's people for works of service" (EPH 4), not to do works of
service themselves. The ones who will bring in the endtime harvest of all
harvests will be the body of Christ, not just the Ministry Gifts.

There is comming a day when the seed that God sowed, namely Jesus, will
produce the harvest that comes from that particular seed, namely Jesus.
What I mean by that is this, you sow a Corn seed, your harvest yields Corn.
You NEVER get a harvest of a type other than the seed you sow. Now in the
natural you also get weeds, as they also come from seed that is sown
unintentionally, but in this case God will get His crop, the weeds will be
unable to choke the seed of His word. Why? Because we are born of incorruptible
seed, the word of God. If we tend the fields of our hearts, and guard them the
enemy will not be able to destroy the crop. This is why it is so important that
our thinking become saturated with the word. It is what produces faith, and
faith is the shield that we can protect the crop with.

The potential for every believer is to grow up in all things into the
fullness of Jesus. If you search out the Word you will see many scriptures that
back this up. Here are a few:

EPH 4:13+15 [The ministry gifts were given] Until we ALL reach unity in
the faith and in the knowledge of God's Son and become
mature, attaining to the WHOLE MEASURE of the FULLNESS of
Christ...we will grow up IN ALL THINGS into him...

COL 1:28 We procaim him, and admonish and teach everyone with all
wisdom in order to present EVERYONE PERFECT [fully mature] in Christ.

GAL 4:19 until Christ be formed in you...

ROM 8:29 those God foreknew He also predestined to conform to the image of
His son, that he [Jesus] would be the firstborn among MANY brothers.

1 CO 13:8-12 Love never fails... ... when perfection comes [when we are
perfected and conform to Love] the imperfect dissapears...
...when I became a man I put the ways of a child behind me...
... then we shall see face to face ... then I shall know FULLY
even as I am FULLY known.

2 CO 3:18 we, having unveiled faces ALL reflect the Glory of The Lord,
are being metamorphasized into His likeness with ever
increasing glory from the Lord which is the Spirit.

1 JN 3:2 we are now the children of God, and what we will be has not
been revealed yet, but we know that when He appears we will
be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is.

1 JN 4:17 love is made complete in us so that we will have confidence on
the judgement day, because in THIS world we are like Him.
There is no fear in love, perfect love forcibly repels fear.

I am convinced that if we are to do the things that Jesus did, and the greater
things, and to live as Jesus lived, we will have to participate in the ministry
and anointing God has placed upon each of us to be Kings and Priests.

So lets find out just what the characteristics of a King are according to
the Word. First of all a Godly King is one who's heart is so soft to God's touch
that He can direct it just as He pleases (PRO 21:1). The potter desires clay
that is soft, workable, and remains so, not hardened, stiff unflexible clay.
When you walk in the fullness of the Anointing of a King after the order of
David, and after the order of Jesus, the Son of David, you are a person, who's
way is fully in the Hand of the Potter.

What made David different, and what made Jesus different? They were quick to
believe the Word of God, they honored God and had a heart dedicated to pleasing
Him. They had a servant's heart, one that was predesposed to obedience. I asked
the Father once, what is the highest form of worship, His answer was not what I
suspected, but immediatly was what made the most sense. He told me that the
highest form of worship was obedience. When we reach the place where we are
obeying God because we litterally WORSHIP HIM with all our might, we will be
like His servant David, who worshiped the Lord with all his might. David
worshiped God unashamedly, he gladly made a fool of himself in some people's
eyes knowing that what he did was pleasing to God's eyes.

Often, one of the hardest things for believers to do is to please God
instead of men. The way to overcome that is with the Anointing of a King. When
you are a King you are without reproach from those who are not. Bear in mind
that we are to treat others as we would have them treat us, we are not to lord
it over the lost, they have the same potential, all they need to do is accept
the King of Kings, then they too will become anointed to be Kings and Priests.

Another aspect of the Kingly characteristics is justice, a King of God will
always judge justly, never having two sets of measures. David was always
carefull to never harm God's anointed, a Godly King will honor the anointing of
God on a person, including another King, and will seek to do them good, and
never to do them harm, even when they seek to harm him.

David was also fully conscious of the Covenant he had with God, as a King
after his lineage we should also be continually aware that we have a covenant
with the Father. Goliath scared all of Israel, except for a small shepherd boy
that had the anointing to be King.When we are in a situation where we face an
enemy, or circumstances that would seem, to those who walk in the natural, to be
too great to bear, David's anointing will rise up, and say, "who is this
uncircumcised philistine (non covenanted person) that he should defy the army of
Israel." In David's eyes his relationship with God was bigger, his God was
bigger, the promises of God were bigger, the Word of God was surer. When we walk
in that anointing we walk in the total assurance of victory.

David was, because of his covenant awareness, also one who went out of his
way to show kindness (he even said "to show the Lord's Love(Hesed)"(2 SAM 9:3))
to those he was covenanted with. As Godly Kings we will have a desire to seek
out opportunities to show God's Love to our brothers and sisters. Jesus said
when we Love one another the whole world will know God sent Him. So I say when
we walk as Kings and Priests the whole world will know that God sent Him!

Another characteristic of Kings is that they establish Kingdoms for God.
They do this by subduing those who set themselves at emnity toward the Kingdom.
They will cause peace to reign over that kingdom so that the people of God will
prosper. When we reach the fullness of our Kingships we will manifest the
Kingdom of God, and Peace will be established for His people. We will free the
captives of them that are at emnity to His Kingdom. Part of the tools of God to
allow us to accomplish this are the pieces of His Armor which Ephesians 6 says
we are to put on in the fullness of His Mighty Power. Another of the tools is
His promise that He will clothe the enemies of a Davidic King with shame. Look
at PSALM 132:18, it says that God will provide strength to "David", and provide
Light for His "anointed", and clothe "his" enemies with shame, but that the sign
of his "kingship" (crown) will be resplendant. God wants to firmly establish
His children as Kings to reign in life (see ROM 5:17). And thus to establish
His Kingdom in manifestation in their lives. Now I believe that it will not be
until Jesus's return that "the kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdom of
our Lord and of His Christ", but Hebrews 6:5 tells us that we can experience
(taste) "the goodness of the Word of God, and the powers of the comming age"
in this life. I believe we can walk as Kings and Priests in this life, and I
intend to, by God's power that is at work within us, which is like the mighty
strength that He exerted in Jesus when He raised him form the dead (EPH 1:19).

Another characteristic of a Davidic King is that God will cause him to
prosper, in Solomon's time God made his kingdom so prosperous that silver was
considered of little value(1KG 10:21). If we are going to spread the word,
the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, around the whole planet, we will need a LOT
of wealth. Now the wealth shouldn't have us, we should have it. And it should
primarily be the intent of our heart to use it for the Gospel, no matter what
He blesses us with, we should be willing to give it at His direction with the
responsiveness of a King whose heart is like a watercourse. God should be able
to direct us to give according to His pleasure, and we should instantly give
anything and everything that He desires.

Another characteristic of a Davidic King is that he will pay no heed to the
traditions of men, and will even rightly divide the Word's commands. When Jesus
answered those who complained about His disciples picking grain and eating on
the sabbath He said "remember David when the Priest gave him bread that it was
unlawfull for him to eat" and when He healed on the Sabbath, they said that was
wrong, but Jesus said that they would break the Sabbath to retrieve one of
their livestock if it had fallen into a pit. They got upset when Jesus said to
a man "your sins are forgiven", they said, "no one but God can forgive sins"
but Jesus (who had temporarily divested himself of His GOD nature to be found
in apearance as a man) said, "so you will KNOW that the Son of Man has power to
forgive sins" and told the person to "rise take up your bed and walk", which was
also unlawfull on the Sabbath. When we walk in the Kingship we will be Taught of
God, we will be able to rightly divide the word. We will exceed the fleshly
limits of the doctrine of men, and will be able to walk in God's way.

Another Kingly Characteristic is DILIGENCE, Proverbs 12:24 says "Diligent
hands will rule". 2 Peter 1:5 calls for us to "giving all diligence" or with
all diligence to "add to our faith" several steps which all add to each other
to bring us to a place where we will walk in Agape-Love, and promises us,
in verse 8 that we will never be unfruitful in our knowledge of Christ. And
verse 10 says "Give all diligence to make your calling and election sure, for
if you do these things ye shall never fall".

David was a shepherd as a boy, and he was a shepherd as a King, God himself
said he would be one in 2 Samuel 5:2. Jesus was and is The Good Shepherd.
A Davidic King will be one who has a Shepherd's Heart. One who is quick to
rescue one of the flock. And one who tends to the needs of the flock. When David
sinned and the Lord offered David the choice as to the punishment that was to
be dispensed, David said "these are but sheep" refering to the people
(2 SAM 24:17). The prophet Micaiah (1 KGS 22:17) said he had seen a vision where
"I saw all Israel scattered on the hils like sheep without a shepherd, and the
Lord said 'These people have no master, let each go to his own home in peace'"
speaking of the death of Ahab king of Israel(verses 35+36). Cyrus was also
shepherd and king (ISA 44:28). Moses was a shepherd/leader (see ISAIAH 63:11).

Kings are comfortable speaking a Word of Authority. Part of our Anointing
as Kings is to Speak the Word Boldly. We have been granted the Authority to
bind and loose things here on the Earth, and it is established in Heaven.
We have been given the right to speak God's Word, and the responsibility to do
so, so that It may be in effect over the enemy (EPH 6) as part of the Armor of
God. We are also granted the right to speak to nature and it will obey, if we
have the ever increasing type of faith that is like a mustard seed. The
continuing existance of the entire creation of God is upheld by the Word
(HEB 1:3). Because of this, when God's Word is released in faith from our
mouths the creation is already trained and predisposed to respond to it.

Kings were also known for establishing Highways. There are 2 places in
the Word where "The King's Highway" is refered to (NUM 20:17 + NUM 21:22).
The word often describes the walk of God's saints as that of walking on a
Highway that He has prepared for them.

Here are some "Highway" Scriptures:

ISA 35:8 And a Highway will be there; it will be called 'the Way of
Holiness'. The unclean will not journey on it; it will be
left for those who walk in that way..."
ISA 40:3 In the desert prepare a way for the Lord, make straight in the
wilderness a highway for our God....

ISA 49:11 I will turn all my mountains into roads, and MY HIGHWAYS will be
raised up.

ISA 62:10 Pass through, pass through the gates! prepare the way for the
people. Build up, build up the Highway!

JER 31:21 Set up road signs; put up guideposts. Take note of the Highway
the road that you take....

PR 15:19 The path of the upright is a Highway.
PR 16:17 The Highway of the upright avoids evil.
ISA 11:16 There will be a Highway for the remnant of His People...

Related Way/Path Scriptures:

PS 25:8-15; PS 119:9-11; PS 119:32-35; PS 119:105+PRO 6:23;
PS 119:133+ROM CH 5; PR 2:7-9,

PR 4:18 The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn,
shining ever brighter till the full light of day.

PS 18:32 It is God that girds me with strength and makes my way perfect.
PR 16:9 In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his

ISA 2:3 He will teach us His ways, so that we can walk in His Paths.
ISA 26:7 The Path of the righteous is level, O upright One, you make
the way of the righteous smooth...

PR 16:7 When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his
enemies live at peace with him.

HEB 12:13 Make level paths for your feet so that the lame may not be
disabled, but rather healed.

So a characteristic of a Davidic King would be one that is eager to make
level paths not only for his own feet, but also for the feet of others.
The "Super Highway of the Spirit" if you will, where every step is "well
ordered of the Lord" (PSA 37:23) When you get on God's Highway you are on the
way UP! PRO 15:24 "The path of life leads upward for the wise to keep
him from going down to sheol." In Psalm 37:34 The Father promises that He will
"Exault you to posses the land." Paul said in 2 Cor 12:7 that Satan sent one of
his angels to buffet him trying to prevent him from "being exaulted beyond
measure" by "Surpassingly great revelations" of God's word. Psalm 119:96 says
"to all perfection I see a limit, but your commands are boundless." God's word,
which is a lamp and a light to show us His Way, when revealed to us by His
Spirit will reach boundlessly beyond fleshly limits of perfection. We need to
get beyond fleshly thinking and limitations, we are born of the INCORRUPTABLE
seed of the Word of God (1 PT 1:23).

Priestly characteristics:

Priests are Set Apart to do God's work. The Levite priests were God's. They
were litterally HIS. The Word says that they were God's Portion of the people of
Israel, His Property if you will. The Word also says that we are not our own,
but that God bought US at a price that no one can repay, the blood of His Son.
Paul said "it isn't me that is living but rather it it Christ who is living
through me". And "If ye are Christ's then are ye abrahams seed and heirs
according to the promise." We are a Holy Nation, set apart to God, as Holy as
the Vessals and the Temple, which is what we are, were in the days of the
Levitical Priesthood. In fact we are More Holy, because they were sprinkled with
the blood of animals, we have been sanctified with the blood of the Lamb of God,
Jesus Christ. We are called as believers to enter the rest of God that the first
priesthood wasn't successfull in entering. Hebrews says that as long as God
still calls it "Today" we should make every effort to enter the Sabbath Rest of
God. This is not speaking of keeping a Sabbath Day, but rather of resting from
our own LIVES and spending them ministering to and for God. Hebrews 10:39 speaks
of our Possesing Our Souls, the greek word for souls is often translated as
LIVES. God wants us to rest from the low life that He brought us out of, when He
transfered us from the dominion of darkness (sin) and into His Kingdom of Light,
and to live the life He desires. In fact we are called to rest from all our
earthly cares, and to take Heaven's Causes upon ourselves. This is the Rest God
entered on our behalf. He has rested from His Work, but clearly He has been
active since then, He is at work on OUR behalf. We need look no farther for
evidence of this than the scripture that says His power at work in us is like
the working of His mighty strength that He EXERTED in Jesus when he raised him
from the dead (EPH 1:19+20). So to enter His rest means that we rest from our
earthly labors, by casting all our cares on Him, and take up "our cross" and
follow Jesus.

There is an aspect to the priesthood that we have been walking in as
saints, perhaps without realizing that it is rooted in our calling to priests of
God, that is intercession. Ephesians 6 gives us a look at the equiptment we have
for the warfare aspect of intercession, but there is a secondary aspect that is
based on our anoinitng as priests. Jesus everlives to intercede for us
(HEB 7:25). We are promised that we can approach the throne of Grace, boldly, in
times of need. We can also approach for the needs of others. The promise is that
we will find grace and mercy to meet our, and their, needs (HEB 4:16). You may
think, wait, Jesus is all the intercessor I need, and you are right. He is all
the intercessor in Heaven that you will need, but you aren't in Heaven, you and
I are on earth. Often all that is lacking in circumstances is for someone to
receive from God what He already is offering. We can be the one on this end of
the "Transfer of Grace" to recieve for the person we are interceeding for. God
needs a person to receive what Jesus has already interceded into being granted.

EZEKIEL 22:30:

I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me
in behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.

There is also an aspect of intercession where YOU are the one to avert God's
judgement. In Numbers 16:46-48 Aaron stood amidst Israel to interceede and offer
incense so the plague was stopped. By the leaven of our presence and faith we
can provide God with an avenue for redemption of a group or nation. If He has a
reason to believe that He can overcome the darkness that has gripped a people,
and one righteous man (who holds to the Covenant he has with God, and believes
Him for overcoming the darkness) is enough, He will hold His judgement and work
toward that end.

Priests Haven hearts to honor God's Name. To keep His Word that is hidden in
our heart as a holy thing, diligently protecting it from the corruption of the
world, while being faithful to believe it and permit it to do its work.

MALACHI 2:1+2:

And now this admonition is for you o priests. If you do not listen, and if you
do not SET YOUR HEART TO HONOR MY NAME, says the Lord Almighty....

MALACHI 2:5b-7:

and he [Levi] revered Me and stood in awe of My Name. True instruction was in
his mouth and nothing false was found on his lips. He walked with me in peace
and uprightness, and turned many from sin. For the lips of a priest ought to
preserve knowledge, and from his mouth men should recieve instruction - because
he is the messenger of God Almighty.

As priests of God Most High we should stand in awe of His majesty and
greatness. We should have the Holy Awe of the God who is truly Holy, Holy, Holy
and should be carriers of His Word in this reverence and awe. The temptation of
the messenger is to assume responsibility for the greatness of the message. We
can avoid that by maintaining the reverence of God, by keeping aware of the
totally awesome goodness of His Word. We will honor His Name, not our own, we
will be protective of this great salvation message, and preserve knowledge
because we consider it the greatest treasure of our hearts. And as Messengers
we should not shy away from the proclaimation of the Glory of God's Word. It is,
as Romans 1:16 says, the power of God for everyones salvation. As priests we are
Messengers of salvation.

A priestly responsibility is that of blessing the people of God. It is and
overlooked part of our office, and one that will be restored in these last days.


At that time the Lord set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the ark of the
covenant of the Lord, to stand before the Lord to minister and to pronounce
blessings in His name....

One of the ministries of priests is that they have a part in administering
the Covenant blessings. In Deuteronomy Chapter 28 we see that when the Covenant
was established Moses declared its blessings. Just as Jesus entered the
Heavenly Holy of Holies, the one the earthly one was patterned after, and
offered His blood upon its altar. So too we were blessed at the establishment
of the New and Everlasting Convenant, the Word says that we were blessed
with EVERY SPIRITUAL blessing in Christ Jesus (EPH 1:3). The power of life and
death is in the tongue (PRO 18:21). In Luke 10:5 Jesus instructed His disciples
to bless the houses they entered. We should have an image of each other in our
hearts that is Word-Inspired and Word-Formed, we should be full of words of
grace to pronounce over each other. Under the first Covenant they were blessed
by Moses, under this one the Word says God himself blessed us. As priests who
are to be pronouncers of that blessing we are indeed ones whose tongues have
the power of life. This is something we too often overlook, we should be
conscious of the call of God upon our lives to speak the blessings of God over
His people.

Priests maintain holiness, as people set apart for God they have a higher
responsibility to mainitan the clenliness of their hearts, and lives.

You must distinguish between the Holy and the profane, between the clean and
the unclean, and you must teach the Israelites all the decrees the Lord has
given them through Moses.

EZEKIEL 44:23:
They [the priests v 21] are to teach my people the difference between the Holy
and the common and show them how to distinguish between the clean and the

The priests were to maintain holiness, their personal holiness, and the
holiness of the temple and vessals of God (which, under this covenant, are the
people of God ). A priest will be one who is able to, by example and by
instruction of the Word, train God's people to maintain their own holiness.

The priests received the tithes of the Levites, they recieved about 1/10th
of the Tithes of Israel. I say about 1/10th because the Word is clear that they
Tithed to the Poor, that they even used some of the Tithes in celebration.
They were instructed to sell their Firstfruits if they lived in a place too far
away from Jerusalem, they were to then go to Jerusalem and buy what they liked,
and they and their family and the poor were to eat some of it. (DEUT 14:22-29)
We have been overly conscious of ONE scripture in Malachi regarding tithing, to
the exclusion of God's primary instructions concerning it, and have been told,
wrongly, that we are to bring the whole Tithe into the local church. This is not
scriptural, most of the Tithe probably should go there, but not all. We have a
responsibility to use some of our Tithes to feed the poor, and to meet the needs
of orphans and widows. Since some of the Tithes are also to go to the priests,
we should consider giving some to "blievers" who are engaged in ministering.
We should ALWAYS give as the Lord leads, and instructs (including the
instruction of the Word), and do so cheerfully.

Then say to the Lord your God: "I have removed from my house the sacred
portion and have given it to the Levite, the Alien, the Fatherless and the
Widow, according to all You commanded....... Look down from Heaven your holy
dwelling, and bless Your people Israel and the land You have given us as You
promised on oath to our forefathers..."

When we Tithe we are to SAY, we are to Speak to God, and remind Him of the
Covenant Blessings. We should consider that in Malachi, 2 major factors were
involved that caused the Lord to instruct them to "Bring ye all the Tithes into
the storehouse". One, they were in dissobedience regadring giving a Tithe, and
Two, the primary reciepients of the Tithes, the Levites were collected in one
place. This was not so when Tithing under the Law was initially established,
there were whole cities set up throughout the tribes of Israel where the Levites
were, and that was where they were instructed to bring the tithes. We should, as
a rule of thumb, Tithe to where we see 2 things occuring, (1) We are being fed
the word, and (2) God's work is being done. For some of us we are being fed more
by a local bible study in a person's home than our weekly service in a "church".
If so we should, unless otherwise led of God, be giving more of our Tithes to
the bible study leader, and part to the "church" we attend. Perhaps as much as 80% of the things of the Word that have been introduced to me by men have come through
ministeries other than the local church.

A lot of the things of the Word that I have come to understand have come as a result
of my standing on the promise that I don't even need a man to teach me but
that God's anointing will, the Holy Spirit will (1 John 2:27).
God is faithful, He will do the same for you if you will appropriate His promise and
stand on it. In anycase, as priests of God we should consider that those who minister
the Word are worthy of their hire, regardless of whether they have a piece of paper
proclaiming them a minister, or not, or whether they stand behind a pulpit, or on a
street corner, if they are doing the work of God they qualify.
See Also [1 Co 9:13+14]

As priests we will be recieving offerings and ministering them to God. When
God takes the riches that have been stored up by evil men, and gives them to His
people, it will be for the ministry of His Gospel of the Kingdom. We will be
"carriers" or "transfer agents" of that wealth. We will see men and women of God
in these last days who will get the promises and blessings of God seeded into
their hearts and begin manifesting, and walking in the Hundred Fold return. They
will be prospered beyond many people's fleshly capacity to believe, and they
will participate in the financing of the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom
of God throughout the whole world. We will be offering up many types of
sacrifices, in some cases we will be offering our own, in others we will be
aiding others to do so. This can be through the prayer of agreement, through
instuction of the Word, and through encouragement one to another. We will be
turning over to God the things in our live, and in other peoples lives, that are
displeasing to Him. We will be offering up to Him sacrifices of confession
(HEB 13:15) of His Name in praise in all circumstances. And sacrifices of doing
good, and giving to those in need (HEB 13:16).

The greatest duty of a priest is that of ministering to the Lord. He is
worthy to be praised indeed. Since the only blood sacrifice of the New Covenant
has been offered, the primary ministering to the Lord we will do as priests is
to praise and worship Him in one accord.

2 CHRONICLES 5:11-6:1:
The priests then withdrew from the Holy Place. All the priests who were there
had consecrated themselves, regardless of their divisions. All the Levites who
were musicians - Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun and their sons and relatives - stood
on the east side of the altar, dressed in fine linen and playing cymbals, harps
and lyres. They were accompanied by 120 priests sounding trumpets. The
trumpeters and singers joined in unison, as with one voice, to give praise and
thanks to the Lord and sing: "He is good; His love endures forever." Then the
temple of the Lord was filled with a cloud, and the priests could not perform
their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the temple
of God. Then Solomon said, "The Lord has said that He would dwell in a dark

ACTS 2:1-3 (KJV):
And when the Day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord
in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty
wind, and it filled the all house where they were sitting. And there apeared
unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

ACTS 4:24,31:
.. they raised their voices together in prayer to God....
.. After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they
were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God boldly.

ACTS 16:25+26:
About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the
other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent
earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the
prison doors came open, and everybody's chains came loose.

When we are in accord, praising and worshiping Him, then His glory will be
manifested. It is the glory of God that will be the manifestation of His Spirit
that will bring about the greatest works of God. His glory is the representation
of all that He is. Other than Him being physically there, His Glory is the
fullest manifestation of His presence. When the Glory is present all darkness,
and all of the products of darkness are swallowed up in His light. Sin,
sickness, weakness, poverty all these things will vanish. I believe that just as
the Glory was with Israel when they left the kingdom of darkness and bondage
that was Egypt, so too we have the promise of a guided exodus from the darkness
of the world. We have been rescued from the dominion of darkness, and placed
into the kingdom of light. Now we have to follow the light of the Glory of the
gospel out of the world's way of living, and into God's Way. We will find that
when we start to Love each other deeply from the heart, and reach the unity of
the faith we will see His Glory in greater and greater manifestation, until
toward the end it is a 24hr a day companion for believers. Then we will truly
see the greatest works of God, as He reaps the Harvest of all Harvests.
