Obedience, Perfect Worship
- Copyright 1994 by Dan Sharpe All Rights Reserved.

Unless otherwise marked, Scriptures are taken from the HOLY BIBLE,
NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984
International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.

I once asked God what the highest from of Worship was, the answer He gave me
made complete sense to me, but was something I had never considered until then.
He told me Obedience was the highest from of worship. Recently He has
been showing me examples in the Word that depict the fullness of what He has
called us to. An ernest study of Hebrews will give us a sense of the emphasis
He places on obedience.

HEB 2:10
In bringing many sons to glory, it is fitting that God, for whom and through
whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect
through suffering.

Clearly Jesus was PERFECT in that he was sinless, what type of Perfection
could God mean beyond that? Only the Perfection desired for MAN, that of pure

HEB 5:7-10
During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions
with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was
heard because of his reverent submission. Although he was a son, he lerned
obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source
of eternal salvation for all who obey him and was designated by God to be High
Priest in the order of Melchizedek.

Hebrews tells us in Chapters 3 and 4 that Israel failed to enter His rest,
because of their dissobedience and unbelief, and that we must make every effort
to ensure that we do not follow their example but instead, by holding on to
our confidence, we are to share in Christ. And that we should be watchfull that
none of us fall short of the promise of entering His rest.

HEB 4:8-10
For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about
another day. There remains then a Sabath-rest for the people of God; for anyone
who enters God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from His.

We are called to walk in obedience which is established by enterance into
the rest of God by faith. He has called us to lay down our own life and to
take upon ourselves His calling. We are called to fully represent Him in our
daily living. We are truly the Body of Christ, his manifestation in the earth,
and God has called us to put off our old "self" and clothe ourselves with His
Son Jesus Christ. We are offered the opportunity to partake of His very nature
which is constantly manifested AGAPE-LOVE. And to do the works of our God and
Father just as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ did the works of The Father.

Jesus said "I am not doing my own works, but the things I see the Father do
are the things I am doing."
and "I must do the works of Him who sent me."
He was one example of perfect submission, and in Psalm 103 we find another.
The angels of God stand waiting to hear His Word and to perform it.

PSALM 103:20+21 KJV
Bless the Lord, ye His angels, that excel in strength, that do His
commandments, hearkening unto the voice of His Word. Bless ye the Lord, all ye
His hosts; ye ministers of His that do His pleasure.

God will have a people that will joyfully spring into action to implement
His good pleasure. We will be instantly in season to produce the Fruit He
desires in any circumstance. Our sufficiency to accomplish this will not be
of ourselves, but will be Prepared in advance, fore-ordained, by His hand.
What He desires are sons willing to participate, eager to implement His plans
and purposes. Awaiting opportunities to minister His Grace and Love to a dying
and indeed spiritually dead world. We will lay hands on the sick and they will
recover, because the hands laid on them will be God's property, totally
dedicated to Him and to His use. We will speak and mountains will move because
the lips that speak will be sanctified lips that are yoked to His Word. Our
tongues will be tamed by, and submitted to, the Word of the living God. To get
there will cost us everything. We will have to lay down our lives and our bodies
as living sacrifices, constantly choosing His will over our own and His
pleasures over the pleasures offered by the world. We must enter His rest by
faith, believing that, that which He has promised, He will also perform. And
that He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. If we seek first His
Kingdom, and righteousness, all other things we need or want in life are
promised us. The cry of our heart must become, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be
done in earth (in our lives) as it is in Heaven (in the lives of His servants
the angels, who eagerly await the sound of the Voice of His Word to perform it."

Adam lacked obedience, his dissobedience allowed sin and spiritual death
into the world, which is mankind. We were to be co-rulers over the earth
with God. He gave us authority: "let Us make man in our image; after our
likeness: let them have dominion over [all living things and] all the earth"
and commissioned us to "be fruitful and multiply replenish the earth and
subdue it." And indeed when Adam, and every man after him except Jesus, sinned
God didn't loose authority over the earth, "The earth is the Lord's and the
fullness thereof". God had to restore man's obedience so that His plan for man
could be restored. "But what about Satan" you might say, well the Word says
that Satan is the God of this World, not the God of the Earth. Satan is also
called "the prince of the power of the air", and Ephesians Chapter 6 speaks of
"wicked spirits in the heavenly realms" I believe this is because through sin,
and the dominion of death, Satan uses man's authority without possessing it.
Since that may seem slightly confusing let me put it this way:

[1] God shared authority with Man. [Man was to manifest Heaven's kingdom
over the earth, on God's behalf].

[2] Satan tricked man into sinning, which caused man to be subject to death.

[3] Death meant man was under Satans dominion, and also set apart for Satan's
eternal destiny.

[4] Since the authority was God's and only delegated to man, Satan couldn't
"own" or "posses" it, but did "own" and have dominion over they who did.

[5] So it is as man's proxy that Satan has such place. Not because he now
holds the legal authority, but because he holds man who holds the legal

Jesus, the second Adam, was obedient even to the death on the cross, despite
suffering all the temptations man has. Jesus was perfectly obedient, and therein
lies the source of our restoration to the commission of the first Adam. But
bless God, we aren't limited to the resources of the first Adam, we have all
of God's best. We have His Armor, His mighty power, His magnificent Word, the
Holy Spirit, and a faithful High Priest who is able to help us in our
temptations, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jesus said "ALL AUTHORITY IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH" had been given
to him, and therefore to us. Satan doesn't have any authority except
the soverign authority of the will of man. Satan's only relm
of authority is in man's choosing to believe his lies and obey him and rebel
against God. Jesus destroyed Satan, he used to hold the power of death, but
now that has been taken from him, all that keeps men and women in bondage to
death is their choice of sin. After the atonement and Jesus's resurrection there
is nothing preventing man from freedom except their lack of acceptance by faith
of the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan can't do anything to keep man from accepting
Jesus when he has decided to do so! If Satan could prevent it by force, or by
authority he would have kept you and I from doing so. But he can not! He is
totally powerless, toothless, his only weapons are based on deception and fear.

Once we make a commitment to enter God's rest and to grow in the obedience
that comes by faith the only thing Satan can do is to try to get us to go back
on our decision and give up, to choose other things in place of God's Word and
Plan, or try to get us to carry cares or worries of our own life in place of
God's purpose and pleasure, or to trust in our own sufficiency. These ploys
should sound familiar, they are the 4 weapons Jesus outlined when he explained
the parable of the sower to his disciples: Persecution for the Word's sake,
lust for things other than the Word, the worries and cares of this life entering
in, and trusting in the deceitfulness of wealth.

If you haven't yet accepted God's gift, Jesus Christ as your Savior, and Proclaimed him as your Lord, I encourage you to pray this prayer aloud:

Father God, I come to you in the name of Jesus,

I believe in my heart that Jesus bore, and was put to death for, my sins,

and that You raised him from the dead for my justification.

I accept Jesus as my Savior,

And I proclaim Jesus Christ as my Lord!

Jesus is Lord, Lord over me, and Lord over all things on my behalf!

If you prayed this prayer, and would like to, you can send me mail here,
and let me know that I have a new brother or sister in the family of God.
